Leuchtturm STAMPS 361242 A4 album 32 crne stranice crveni

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Leuchtturm STAMPS 361242 A4 album 32 crne stranice crveni
Leuchtturm STAMPS album A4 crne 32 stranice crveni
Korice ilustrirane sa crvenom bojom
16 listova ili 32 stranice crne boje

4004117567223   361242   1.2025.


Stockbook STAMPS A4, 32 black pages, non-padded, colored cover (red banderole)
Item number: 361242
• Brightly coloured cover
• 32 pages
As colorful as the world: The stockbooks STAMPS are real eye-catchers thanks to their cheer- and colorful cover with banderole!

The stockbooks STAMPS have, of course, all the important quality features that you have come to expect of all LEUCHTTURM stockbooks. For covers, pages, strips, binding and interleaves, we therefore only use selected materials, which guarantee appealing and secure storage for your stamps.

Stockbook A4*, 16 or 32 black pages, unpadded, colored cover with banderole shows stamps from around the world, 9 clear strips per page, double glassine interleaves, rigid binding, banderole colors: blue (S16), red (S32)

* The format is approximated to German DIN size A4. Exact dimensions: 225 x 306 mm (8 7/8 x 12“)

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