Leuchtturm KUPKA za čišćenje kovanica i plemenitih metala

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Leuchtturm KUPKA za čišćenje kovanica i plemenitih metala
Leuchtturm kupka za čišćenje kovanica od plemenitih metale (bez oksidacije),
Sadržaj kupke: 200 ml
Kupke za čišćenje s visokokvalitetnim tvarima za trenutno i nježno uklanjanje oksidacije na kovanicama.
Ekstra blaga tekućina za čišćenje kovanica za sve kovanice bez oksidacije. Prikladno za sve plemenite metale
336203 Kupka za čišćenje kovanica i svih plemenitih metala

OPASNO !          GEFAHR!
OPREZ nadražujuće! Držati dalje od očiju, kože i kovanica
Držati izvan dohvata  DJECE !
Koristite zaštitne rukavice
U slučaju kontakta sa sluznicom i očima, ispirati s puno čiste vode !, Nazvati liječnika.

Kako čistiti kovanice? uključite kameru na mobilnim uređajima  iOS ili Android ipročitajte kamerom QR KOD, dodirnite ekran i pogledajte film

4004117184796  318851  1.2025.

LEUCHTTURM ALBENVERLAG, GmbH & Co. KG, Am Spakenberg 45, D-21502 GeesthachtKUPKA ZA ČIŠĆENJE SVIH KOVANICA (broj artikla 318851)

Ova kupka za čišćenje može se koristiti za uklanjanje prljavštine sa svih vrsta kovanica. Posebno je pogodna za čišćenje euro kovanica i drugih kovanica koje sadrže različite metale ili legure. Ova kupka ne uklanja oksidaciju i neće kemijski promijeniti metal kovanica.

UPUTE ZA KORIŠTENJE: Umočite novčiće (možete nekoliko odjednom) na 10 do 15 minuta, ovisno o tome koliko su zaprljani. Tvrdokornu prljavštinu treba nježno ukloniti mekom četkicom (četkicom za zube s prirodnim čekinjama), prije ponovnog uranjanjanja. Nakon uranjanja, temeljito isperite čistom vodom i pažljivo osušite mekom, čistom krpom – nemojte trljati.  Proizvedeno u Njemačkoj.
UPOZORENJE:  OPREZ nadražujuće! Držati dalje od očiju, kože i kovanica, Ako dođe do kontakta sa sluznicom odmah isprati s puno čiste vode. Čuvati izvan dohvata djece.

Sadrži, prema Uredbi (EC) 648/2004: < 5% anionskih površinski aktivnih tvari, LINALOOL, HEXYL CINNAMAL, BUTYLPHENYL METHYLPROPIONAL, mirise.

LIGHTHOUSE ostale kupke za čišćenje novčića prikladne su za:   zlatne kovanice (ref. br. 336 203), srebrne kovanice (ref. br. 317 893),  bimetalne kovanice ( ref. br. 343 206),  bakrene kovanice (ref. br. 321 584),  mjedene i brončane kovanice (ref. br. 343 300), 
Coin Cleaning-Bath for all coins (without de-oxidation), 200 ml  Item number: 318851  Cleaning baths with high-quality substances for instant and gentle removal of oxidation on coins. Extra mild coin cleaning fluid fora ll coins without oxidation. Suitable for all precious metals.
CLEANING BATH FOR BRASS COINSThis cleaning bath removes oxidation from tarnished brass and bronze coins. It is not suitable for antique coins with uniformed coloring, as it will result in patina damage. It may not be used to clean coins made from mixed metals (e.g. 1 euro, 2 euros) or cupronickel coins (e.g. 1 DM). This bath should only be used to clean coins, which are oxidized or tarnished. Cleaning coins, which are not tarnished, just dirty is not recommended. The bath can be used to clean a number of coins at once; however, care should be taken to only clean coins of the same metal together. Make sure that the coins do not touch each other. To clean different metal types, carefully pour out some of the bath into a non-metallic container and clean each type separately. It is not suitable for silver and gold coins; these should be cleaned using another metal-specific bath. This cleaning bath will give a matt finish and will not polish to a deep shine. Place the coins into the basket and lower into the bath. The heavier the tarnishing, the longer they will need to be in the bath; in most cases, 3 to 5 minutes should be sufficient. For extreme tarnishing (e.g. on coins which have been buried), coins can be left for up to 20 minutes, however this requires constant supervision and the coins should be removed as soon as the oxidation has Made in Germany mucous membranes; if contact occurs wash immediately with plenty of clean water. Keep out of the reach of children. Contains: phosphoric acid / fattyalcohol polyglycolether, C 10-16, ethoxylated, propoxylated. Contains, according to Regulation (EC) 648/2004: < 5% non-ionic surfactants, CITRONELLOL, scents.Other LIGHTHOUSE coin cleaning baths are suitable for gold been removed. Hard deposits can be gently removed with a soft brush (toothbrush with natural bristles) and green rust with a sponge; after removal dip briefly in the bath again. After cleaning, take out the basket with the coins and rinse under running water. Then gently pat the coins dry with a soft cloth – do not rub. Remove liquid after use. The bath contains acids, which may attack stainless steel (i.e. sinks) and other acid-sensitive surfaces; please take care when using it. Caution irritant! Keep away from eyes, skin, and coins (ref. no. 336 203), silver coins (ref. no. 317 893), copper coins (ref. no. 321 584), bi-metal coins (1 euro, 2 euros) and cupronickel coins (e.g. 1 DM) (ref. no. 343 206) as well as for all (other) coins / precious metals (without deoxidation) (ref. no. 318 851).
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